Definition of Lick in English :

Define Lick in English

Lick meaning in English

Meaning of Lick in English

Pronunciation of Lick in English

Lick pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of lick


1. lick, salt lick

a salt deposit that animals regularly lick

2. lap, lick

touching with the tongue

Example Sentences:
'the dog's laps were warm and wet'

3. biff, clout, lick, poke, punch, slug

(boxing) a blow with the fist

Example Sentences:
'I gave him a clout on his nose'


4. bat, clobber, cream, drub, lick, thrash

beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight

Example Sentences:
'We licked the other team on Sunday!'

5. lap, lick

pass the tongue over

Example Sentences:
'the dog licked her hand'

6. figure out, lick, puzzle out, solve, work, work out

find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

Example Sentences:
'did you solve the problem?'
'Work out your problems with the boss'
'this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out'
'did you get it?'
'Did you get my meaning?'
'He could not work the math problem'

7. lap, lap up, lick

take up with the tongue

Example Sentences:
'The cat lapped up the milk'
'the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of lick
1. (transitive)
to pass the tongue over, esp in order to taste or consume
to flicker or move lightly over or round (something)
the flames licked around the door
3. (transitive) informal
to defeat or vanquish
to flog or thrash
to be or do much better than
4.  lick into shape
5.  lick one's lips
6.  lick one's wounds
7.  lick the boots of
an instance of passing the tongue over something
a small amount
a lick of paint
10. Also called: salt lick
a block of compressed salt or chemical matter provided for domestic animals to lick for medicinal and nutritional purposes
a place to which animals go to lick exposed natural deposits of salt
12. informal
a hit; blow
13. slang
a short musical phrase, usually on one instrument
14. informal
speed; rate of movement
he was going at quite a lick when he hit it
15.  a lick and a promise

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of lick
verb transitive
to pass the tongue over
to lick one's lips
to bring into a certain condition by passing the tongue over
to lick one's fingers clean
to pass lightly over like a tongue
flames licking the logs
4.  Informal
to whip; thrash
to overcome, vanquish, or control
verb intransitive
to move lightly and quickly, as a flame
waves licking about her feet
the act of licking with the tongue
a small quantity
salt lick
9.  Informal
a sharp blow
a short, rapid burst of activity, often careless, as in cleaning up, etc.
: also lick and a promise
a fast pace; spurt of speed; clip
10.  US, Slang
a phrase of jazz music, esp. an interpolated improvisation
11.  [often pl.]; Slang
chance; turn
to get one's licks in

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of lick
v. licked, lick·ing, licks
1. To pass the tongue over or along: lick a stamp.
2. To lap up: The cat licked the milk from the bowl.
3. To lap or flicker at like a tongue: The waves licked the sides of the boat.
4. Slang
a. To beat or thrash.
b. To defeat soundly: licked their rivals in lacrosse.
c. To deal with effectively; overcome: licked her weight problem.
To pass or lap quickly and rapidly: The flames licked at our feet.
1. The act or process of licking.
2. An amount obtained by licking: a lick of ice cream.
3. A small quantity; a bit: hasn't got a lick of common sense.
4. A deposit of exposed natural salt that is licked by passing animals.
5. Slang A sudden hard stroke; a blow.
6. Slang An attempt; a try: Why not give those skis a lick?
7. Informal Speed; pace: moving along at a good lick.
8. Music A phrase improvised by a soloist, especially on the guitar or banjo.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.