Definition of Wildly in English :

Define Wildly in English

Wildly meaning in English

Meaning of Wildly in English

Pronunciation of Wildly in English

Wildly pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of wildly


1. wildly

to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree

Example Sentences:
'the storyline is wildly unrealistic'

2. wildly

in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner

Example Sentences:
'He gesticulated wildly'

3. wildly

with violent and uncontrollable passion

Example Sentences:
'attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of wildly
adj. wild·er, wild·est
1. Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed: wild geese; edible wild plants.
2. Not inhabited or farmed: remote, wild country.
3. Uncivilized or barbarous.
a. Lacking supervision or restraint: wild children living in the street.
b. Disorderly; unruly: a wild scene in the school cafeteria.
c. Characterized by a lack of moral restraint; dissolute or licentious: recalled his wild youth with remorse.
5. Lacking regular order or arrangement; disarranged: wild locks of long hair.
6. Full of, marked by, or suggestive of strong, uncontrolled emotion: wild with jealousy; a wild look in his eye; a wild rage.
7. Extravagant; fantastic: a wild idea.
8. Furiously disturbed or turbulent; stormy: wild weather.
9. Risky; imprudent: wild financial schemes.
a. Impatiently eager: wild to get away for the weekend.
b. Informal Highly enthusiastic: just wild about the new music.
11. Based on little or no evidence or probability; unfounded: wild accusations; a wild guess.
12. Deviating greatly from an intended course; erratic: a wild bullet.
13. Games Having an equivalence or value determined by the cardholder's choice: playing poker with deuces wild.
In a wild manner: growing wild; roaming wild.
1. A natural or undomesticated state: returned the zoo animals to the wild; plants that grow abundantly in the wild.
2. often wilds A region that is mostly uninhabited or uncultivated: the wilds of the northern steppes.
intr.v. wild·ed, wild·ing, wilds
To go about in a group threatening, robbing, or attacking others.

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