Definition of Wash Down in English :

Define Wash Down in English

Wash Down meaning in English

Meaning of Wash Down in English

Pronunciation of Wash Down in English

Wash Down pronunciation in English

Pronounce Wash Down in English

Wash Down

see synonyms of wash down


1. wash down

eat food accompanied by lots of liquid; also use metaphorically

Example Sentences:
'She washed down her dinner with a bottle of red wine'
'He washes down his worries with a nightly glass of whisky'

2. flush down, wash down

flow freely

Example Sentences:
'The body washed down the river'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Wash Down

see synonyms of wash down
verb (tr, adverb)
to wash completely, esp from top to bottom
to take drink with or after (food or another drink)
noun washdown
the act of washing (oneself or something) down
I just had a quick washdown

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Wash Down

see synonyms of wash down
to clean by washing, esp. with a stream of water
to follow (food, a drink of whiskey, etc.) with a drink, as of water

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

Wash Down

see synonyms of wash down
v. washed, wash·ing, wash·es
a. To cleanse, using water or other liquid, usually with soap, detergent, or bleach, by immersing, dipping, rubbing, or scrubbing: wash one's hands; wash windows.
b. To soak, rinse out, and remove (dirt or stain) with water or other liquid: wash grease out of overalls.
2. To make moist or wet; drench: Tears washed the child's cheeks.
3. To flow over, against, or past: waves that washed the sandy shores.
4. To carry, erode, remove, or destroy by the action of moving water: Heavy rains washed the topsoil away.
5. To rid of corruption or guilt; cleanse or purify: wash sins away.
6. To cover or coat with a watery layer of paint or other coloring substance.
7. Chemistry
a. To purify (a gas) by passing through or over a liquid, as to remove soluble matter.
b. To pass a solvent, such as distilled water, through (a precipitate).
8. To separate constituents of (an ore) by immersion in or agitation with water.
9. To cause to undergo a swirling action: washed the tea around in the cup.
1. To cleanse something in or by means of water or other liquid.
a. To undergo washing without fading or other damage: This fabric will wash.
b. Informal To hold up under examination; be convincing: His story will not wash with the police.
3. To flow, sweep, or beat with a characteristic lapping sound: Waves washed over the pilings.
4. To be carried away, removed, or drawn by the action of water.
1. The act or process of washing or cleansing.
2. A quantity of articles washed or intended for washing: The wash is on the back porch.
3. Waste liquid; swill.
4. Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled.
5. A preparation or product used in washing or coating.
6. A cosmetic or medicinal liquid, such as a mouthwash.
a. A thin layer of watercolor or India ink spread on a drawing.
b. A light tint or hue: "a wash of red sunset" (Thomas Pynchon).
a. A rush or surge of water or waves.
b. The sound of this rush or surge.
a. Removal or erosion of soil by the action of moving water.
b. A deposit of recently eroded debris.
a. Low or marshy ground washed by tidal waters.
b. A stretch of shallow water.
11. Western US The dry bed of a stream.
12. Turbulence in air or water caused by the motion or action of an oar, propeller, jet, or airfoil.
13. Informal An activity, action, or enterprise that yields neither marked gain nor marked loss: "[The company] doesn't do badly. That is, it's a wash" (Harper's).
1. Used for washing.
2. Being such that washing is possible; washable.

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