Definition of Syndicator in English :

Define Syndicator in English

Syndicator meaning in English

Meaning of Syndicator in English

Pronunciation of Syndicator in English

Syndicator pronunciation in English

Pronounce Syndicator in English


see synonyms of syndicator


1. syndicator

a businessman who forms a syndicate

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of syndicator
a person who establishes a syndicate

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of syndicator
1. An association of people or firms formed to promote a common interest or carry out a business enterprise.
2. A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities.
3. An agency that sells articles, features, or photographs for publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals simultaneously.
4. A company consisting of a number of separate newspapers; a newspaper chain.
5. The office, position, or jurisdiction of a syndic or body of syndics.
v. (-kāt) syn·di·cat·ed, syn·di·cat·ing, syn·di·cates
a. To organize into or manage as a syndicate.
b. To sell (a horse) to a syndicate.
2. To sell (a comic strip or column, for example) through a syndicate for simultaneous publication in newspapers or periodicals.
3. To sell (a television series, for example) directly to independent stations.
a. To create a feed for (a website), allowing users to include content from the website in other websites or to view the content.
b. To include (the contents of a website) on another website by using a feed.
To join together in a syndicate.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.