Definition of Snorter in English :

Define Snorter in English

Snorter meaning in English

Meaning of Snorter in English

Pronunciation of Snorter in English

Snorter pronunciation in English

Pronounce Snorter in English


see synonyms of snorter


1. snorter

someone who expresses contempt or indignation by uttering a snorting sound

2. snorter

something outstandingly difficult

Example Sentences:
'the problem was a real snorter'

3. snorter

something that is extraordinary or remarkable or prominent

Example Sentences:
'a snorter of a sermon'
'the storm wasn't long but it was a snorter'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of snorter
a person or animal that snorts
2. British slang
something outstandingly impressive or difficult
3. British slang
something or someone ridiculous

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of snorter
a. A rough, noisy sound made by breathing forcefully through the nostrils, as a horse or pig does.
b. A similar sound: the snort of a steam engine.
2. Slang
a. A drink of liquor, especially when swallowed in one gulp.
b. Cocaine or heroin, especially a small amount sniffed at one time.
c. The liquor or drug so taken.
v. snort·ed, snort·ing, snorts
a. To breathe noisily and forcefully through the nostrils.
b. To make a sound resembling noisy exhalation: "The wind snorted across the Kansas plains" (Gail Sheehy).
2. To make an abrupt noise expressive of scorn, ridicule, or contempt.
3. To ingest a drug, such as cocaine or heroin, by sniffing.
1. To express by snorting: He snorted his disapproval.
2. To ingest by sniffing: snorted cocaine.

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