Definition of Shingle in English :

Define Shingle in English

Shingle meaning in English

Meaning of Shingle in English

Pronunciation of Shingle in English

Shingle pronunciation in English

Pronounce Shingle in English


see synonyms of shingle


1. shake, shingle

building material used as siding or roofing

2. shingle

coarse beach gravel of small waterworn stones and pebbles (or a stretch of shore covered with such gravel)

3. shingle

a small signboard outside the office of a lawyer or doctor, e.g.


4. shingle

cover with shingles

Example Sentences:
'shingle a roof'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of shingle
a thin rectangular tile, esp one made of wood, that is laid with others in overlapping rows to cover a roof or a wall
a woman's short-cropped hairstyle
3. US and Canadian
a small signboard or nameplate fixed outside the office of a doctor, lawyer, etc
4.  a shingle short
verb (transitive)
to cover (a roof or a wall) with shingles
to cut (the hair) in a short-cropped style
coarse gravel, esp the pebbles found on beaches
a place or area strewn with shingle
(transitive) metallurgy
to hammer or squeeze the slag out of (iron) after puddling in the production of wrought iron

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of shingle
noun Chiefly British
large, coarse, waterworn gravel, as found on a beach
an area, as a beach, covered with this
a thin, wedge-shaped piece of wood, slate, etc. laid with others in a series of overlapping rows as a covering for roofs and the sides of houses
2.  US
a woman's short haircut in which the hair over the nape is shaped close to the head
3.  US, Informal
a small signboard, esp. that which a physician or lawyer hangs outside his or her office
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈshingled or ˈshingling
to cover (a roof, etc.) with shingles
5.  US
to cut (hair) in shingle style
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈshingled or ˈshingling
to work on (puddled iron) by hammering and squeezing it to remove impurities

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of shingle
1. A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.
2. Informal A small signboard, as one indicating a professional office: After passing the bar exam, she hung out her shingle.
3. A woman's close-cropped haircut. shin·gled, shin·gling, shin·gles
1. To cover (a roof or building) with shingles.
2. To cut (hair) short and close to the head.
1. Beach gravel consisting of large smooth pebbles.
2. A stretch of shore or beach covered with such gravel.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.