Definition of Saint Lawrence River in English :

Define Saint Lawrence River in English

Saint Lawrence River meaning in English

Meaning of Saint Lawrence River in English

Pronunciation of Saint Lawrence River in English

Saint Lawrence River pronunciation in English

Pronounce Saint Lawrence River in English

Saint Lawrence River

see synonyms of saint lawrence river


1. saint lawrence, saint lawrence river, st. lawrence, st. lawrence river

a North American river; flows into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the North Atlantic

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Saint Lawrence River

see synonyms of saint lawrence river
A river of southeast Canada flowing about 1,200 km (740 mi) northeast from Lake Ontario along the Ontario-New York border and through southern Quebec to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, an arm of the northwest Atlantic Ocean off southeast Canada. The river forms part of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, an international waterway, about 3,750 km (2,350 mi) long, consisting of a system of canals, dams, and locks in the St. Lawrence River and connecting channels through the Great Lakes. The seaway opened in 1959 and provides passage for oceangoing ships as far west as Lake Superior.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.