Definition of Royally in English :

Define Royally in English

Royally meaning in English

Meaning of Royally in English

Pronunciation of Royally in English

Royally pronunciation in English

Pronounce Royally in English


see synonyms of royally


1. like kings, like royalty, royally

in a royal manner

Example Sentences:
'they were royally treated'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of royally
1. Of or relating to a monarch.
2. Of the rank of a monarch.
3. Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom.
4. Issued or performed by a monarch: a royal warrant; a royal visit.
5. Founded, chartered, or authorized by a monarch: a royal society of musicians.
6. Befitting royalty; stately: royal treatment.
a. Superior, as in size or quality.
b. Used as an intensive: "It would be a first-class royal mess" (Sam Nunn).
1. Informal A member of a monarch's family: "Among the resort's distinguished visitors are Swedish and Spanish royals" (Alistair Scott).
2. Nautical A sail set on the royalmast.
3. A paper size, 20 by 25 inches for printing, 19 by 24 inches for writing.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.