Definition of Properly in English :

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Properly meaning in English

Meaning of Properly in English

Pronunciation of Properly in English

Properly pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of properly


1. decent, decently, in good order, properly, right, the right way

in the right manner

Example Sentences:
'please do your job properly!'
'can't you carry me decent?'

2. by rights, properly

with reason or justice

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of properly
1. Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting: the proper knife for cutting bread; not a proper moment for a joke.
2. Called for by rules or conventions; correct: the proper form for a business letter.
3. Strictly following rules or conventions, especially in social behavior; seemly: a proper lady; a proper gentleman.
a. Belonging to one; own: restored to his proper shape by the magician.
b. Characteristically belonging to the being or thing in question; peculiar: an optical effect proper to fluids.
5. Being within the strictly limited sense, as of a term designating something: the town proper, excluding the suburbs.
6. Ecclesiastical For use in the liturgy of a particular feast or season of the year.
7. Mathematics Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.
8. Worthy of the name; true: wanted a proper dinner, not just a snack.
9. Out-and-out; thorough: a proper whipping.
Thoroughly: beat the eggs good and proper.
n. also Proper
The portion of the liturgy that varies according to the particular feast or season of the year.

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