Definition of Possessor in English :

Define Possessor in English

Possessor meaning in English

Meaning of Possessor in English

Pronunciation of Possessor in English

Possessor pronunciation in English

Pronounce Possessor in English


see synonyms of possessor


1. owner, possessor

a person who owns something

Example Sentences:
'they are searching for the owner of the car'
'who is the owner of that friendly smile?'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of possessor
tr.v. pos·sessed, pos·sess·ing, pos·sess·es
a. To have as property; own: possess great wealth.
b. Law To have under one's power or control: possess illegal drugs.
a. To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute: possesses great tact.
b. To have mastery or knowledge of: possess a knowledge of Sanskrit; possess valuable information.
a. To gain control or power over. Used of a demon or spirit.
b. To occupy fully the mind or feelings of: The dancers were possessed by the music.
c. Often Offensive To have sexual intercourse with (a woman).
d. Archaic To control or maintain (one's nature) in a particular condition: I possessed my temper despite the insult.
4. Archaic To cause (oneself) to own, hold, or master something, such as property or knowledge.
5. Archaic To gain or seize.

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