Definition of Plunker in English :

Define Plunker in English

Plunker meaning in English

Meaning of Plunker in English

Pronunciation of Plunker in English

Plunker pronunciation in English

Pronounce Plunker in English


see synonyms of plunker


1. plunk, plunker

(baseball) hitting a baseball so that it drops suddenly

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of plunker
1. games, Scottish
a large marble
2. pejorative
someone who plays a musical instrument
3. US slang
a dollar
4. angling, US
someone who angles or fishes casually
5. angling, US
a type of fishing bait

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of plunker
v. plunked, plunk·ing, plunks also plonked or plonk·ing or plonks
1. To throw or place heavily or abruptly: plunked the money down on the counter.
2. To strum or pluck (a stringed instrument).
1. To drop or fall abruptly or heavily; plump: plunked onto the couch with a sigh of relief.
2. To emit a hollow twanging sound.
1. Informal A heavy blow or stroke.
2. A short hollow twanging sound.
1. With a short hollow thud.
2. Exactly; precisely: The dart landed plunk in the center of the target.

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