Definition of Laminal in English :

Define Laminal in English

Laminal meaning in English

Meaning of Laminal in English

Pronunciation of Laminal in English

Laminal pronunciation in English

Pronounce Laminal in English


see synonyms of laminal


1. laminal, laminar

arranged in or consisting of laminae

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of laminal
(of a consonant) articulated with the blade of the tongue
See also apical

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of laminal
n. pl. lam·i·nae (-nē) or lam·i·nas
1. A thin plate, sheet, or layer.
2. Botany
a. The expanded area of a leaf or petal; a blade.
b. The bladelike part of a kelp.
3. A thin layer of bone, membrane, or other tissue.
4. Zoology A thin scalelike or platelike structure, as one of the thin layers of sensitive vascular tissue in the hoof of a horse.
5. Cytology A thin layer inside the nuclear membrane of a cell that is composed of a meshlike network of protein fibers.
6. Geology A narrow bed of rock.

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