Definition of Isolated in English :

Define Isolated in English

Isolated meaning in English

Meaning of Isolated in English

Pronunciation of Isolated in English

Isolated pronunciation in English

Pronounce Isolated in English


see synonyms of isolated


1. isolated, stray

not close together in time

Example Sentences:
'isolated instances of rebellion'
'a few stray crumbs'

2. detached, isolated, separated, set-apart

being or feeling set or kept apart from others

Example Sentences:
'she felt detached from the group'
'could not remain the isolated figure he had been'
'thought of herself as alone and separated from the others'
'had a set-apart feeling'

3. disjunct, isolated

marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements

Example Sentences:
'little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara'

4. isolated, marooned, stranded

cut off or left behind

Example Sentences:
'an isolated pawn'
'several stranded fish in a tide pool'
'travelers marooned by the blizzard'

5. isolated, quarantined

under forced isolation especially for health reasons

Example Sentences:
'a quarantined animal'
'isolated patients'

6. apart, isolated, obscure

remote and separate physically or socially

Example Sentences:
'existed over the centuries as a world apart'
'preserved because they inhabited a place apart'
'tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization'
'an obscure village'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of isolated
placed or set apart; alone or caused to be alone
But of course no one lives totally alone, isolated from the society around them.
Men can feel isolated at work.
Some patients may become very isolated and depressed.
They are finding themselves increasingly isolated within the teaching profession.
His house was very isolated.
Many of the villages are in isolated areas.
Aubrey's family's farm is very isolated.
sole or single
This is what happened in several isolated cases.
They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.
(of a person or animal having or suspected of having a contagious disease) quarantined
(of a compound) obtained in an uncombined form
(of bacteria, esp those causing a particular disease) obtained in pure cultures
6. electronics
(of circuits, compounds) prevented from interacting; insulated

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of isolated
set apart; separate; solitary
an isolated lighthouse
not occurring or happening regularly or frequently; rare
an isolated instance of violence

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of isolated
1. Far from others or difficult to get to; remote: an isolated farmhouse.
2. Occasional or rare: Reporters in the field observed isolated instances of rebellion.
3. Characterized by little social contact: leading an isolated life.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.