Definition of Infected in English :

Define Infected in English

Infected meaning in English

Meaning of Infected in English

Pronunciation of Infected in English

Infected pronunciation in English

Pronounce Infected in English


see synonyms of infected


1. infected, septic

containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms

Example Sentences:
'a septic sore throat'
'a septic environment'
'septic sewage'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of infected
having a communicable disease
objects used by an infected person
a system to track infected animals
Scientists believe she became infected in Africa.
As many as 15 million Americans are now infected with the tuberculosis bacterium.
people who are infected with HIV
contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms
Wounds were infected and amputations were common.
a virus which is spread mainly by infected blood
In tropical climates any small cut can quickly become infected.
used to describe a place where pathogenic microorganisms are causing a disease to spread among people, animals, or plants
Pending tests, thousands more chickens within a 16-kilometre radius of the infected farm were quarantined.
In heavily infected areas, half the population become blind.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of infected
tr.v. in·fect·ed, in·fect·ing, in·fects
1. To invade and proliferate in, often resulting in disease. Used of microorganisms or other infectious agents: people who were infected with salmonella.
2. To cause the invasion of (a cell, for example) with a microorganism or other infectious agent: The researchers infected the bacteria with a virus.
3. To transmit a pathogen or disease to: The sick child infected the entire class.
4. To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent: Cholera infected the water supply.
5. Computers To become transmitted to and copied on (a hard drive, for example). Used of a virus or other harmful software.
6. To affect by transmission or be communicated to. Used of an idea, emotion, or attitude: "His fear infected me, and ... I followed as fast as I could" (W.H. Hudson).

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.