Definition of Grigori Potyokin in English :

Define Grigori Potyokin in English

Grigori Potyokin meaning in English

Meaning of Grigori Potyokin in English

Pronunciation of Grigori Potyokin in English

Grigori Potyokin pronunciation in English

Pronounce Grigori Potyokin in English

Grigori Potyokin

see synonyms of grigori potyokin


1. grigori aleksandrovich potemkin, grigori potemkin, grigori potyokin, potemkin, potyokin

a Russian officer and politician who was a favorite of Catherine II and in 1762 helped her to seize power; when she visited the Crimea in 1787 he gave the order for sham villages to be built (1739-1791)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.