Definition of Flood in English :

Define Flood in English

Flood meaning in English

Meaning of Flood in English

Pronunciation of Flood in English

Flood pronunciation in English

Pronounce Flood in English


see synonyms of flood


1. alluvion, deluge, flood, inundation

the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land

Example Sentences:
'plains fertilized by annual inundations'

2. deluge, flood, inundation, torrent

an overwhelming number or amount

Example Sentences:
'a flood of requests'
'a torrent of abuse'

3. flood, flood lamp, floodlight, photoflood

light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography

4. flood, outpouring, overflow

a large flow

5. flood, flowage

the act of flooding; filling to overflowing

6. flood, flood tide, rising tide

the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide)

Example Sentences:
'a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune'


7. deluge, flood, inundate, swamp

fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid

Example Sentences:
'the basement was inundated after the storm'
'The images flooded his mind'

8. flood

cover with liquid, usually water

Example Sentences:
'The swollen river flooded the village'
'The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes'

9. flood, glut, oversupply

supply with an excess of

Example Sentences:
'flood the market with tennis shoes'
'Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient'

10. flood

become filled to overflowing

Example Sentences:
'Our basement flooded during the heavy rains'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of flood
the inundation of land that is normally dry through the overflowing of a body of water, esp a river
the state of a river that is at an abnormally high level (esp in the phrase in flood)
▶ Related adjective: diluvial
a great outpouring or flow
a flood of words
the rising of the tide from low to high water
(as modifier)
the flood tide
Compare ebb (sense 3)
4. theatre short for floodlight
5. archaic
a large body of water, as the sea or a river
(of water) to inundate or submerge (land) or (of land) to be inundated or submerged
to fill or be filled to overflowing, as with a flood
the children's home was flooded with gifts
8. (intransitive)
to flow; surge
relief flooded through him
to supply an excessive quantity of petrol to (a carburettor or petrol engine) or (of a carburettor, etc) to be supplied with such an excess
10. (intransitive)
to rise to a flood; overflow
11. (intransitive)
to bleed profusely from the uterus, as following childbirth
to have an abnormally heavy flow of blood during a menstrual period
the Flood
Henry. 1732–91, Anglo-Irish politician: leader of the parliamentary opposition to English rule

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of flood
an overflowing of water on an area normally dry; inundation; deluge
the flowing in of water from the sea as the tide rises
a great flow or outpouring
a flood of words
4.  Informal
5.  Archaic
water, as opposed to land
a large body of water, as a sea or broad river
verb transitive
to cover or fill with or as with a flood; overflow; inundate
rain flooded the valley; music flooded the room
to put much or too much water, fuel, etc. on or in
to flood a carburetor
verb intransitive
to rise, flow, or gush out in or as in a flood
to become flooded

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of flood
1. An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.
2. A flood tide.
3. A large amount or number, especially when moving from one place to another: received a flood of applications. See Synonyms at flow.
4. A floodlight, specifically a unit that produces a beam of intense light.
5. Flood In the Bible, the covering of the earth with water that occurred during the time of Noah.
v. flood·ed, flood·ing, floods
1. To cover or submerge with water; inundate: The town was flooded when the dam burst.
2. To move into or fill in large numbers or amounts: People flooded the square. His inbox was flooded with mail.
3. To overwhelm in large numbers: The theater was flooded with ticket requests.
4. To put too much fuel into the carburetor of (an engine), resulting in unsuccessful ignition.
1. To become inundated or submerged: The underpass floods after a heavy rain.
2. To pour forth; overflow: The river floods nearly every spring.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.