Definition of Extendable in English :

Define Extendable in English

Extendable meaning in English

Meaning of Extendable in English

Pronunciation of Extendable in English

Extendable pronunciation in English

Pronounce Extendable in English


see synonyms of extendable


1. extendable, extendible

capable of being lengthened

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of extendable
v. ex·tend·ed, ex·tend·ing, ex·tends
a. To cause (something) to be longer, wider, or cover more area: extended the subway line into the next town.
b. To enlarge the scope or effect of: research that extended our knowledge of the universe.
c. To cause (something) to last longer: extended our visit by a day.
d. To prolong the time allowed for payment of: extend a loan for three more months.
e. To put off; postpone: extended the deadline by a week.
a. To present; offer: extend one's greetings.
b. To make available; provide: extend credit to qualified purchasers.
3. To open or straighten (something) out; unbend: extended the legs of the folding table.
4. To increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance: used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles.
a. To exert (oneself) vigorously or to full capacity: Few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have.
b. To cause to move at full gallop. Used of a horse.
6. Chiefly British
a. To appraise or assess; value.
b. To seize or make a levy on for the purpose of settling a debt.
To be or become long, large, or comprehensive: influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing.

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