Definition of Crush in English :

Define Crush in English

Crush meaning in English

Meaning of Crush in English

Pronunciation of Crush in English

Crush pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of crush


1. crush, crushed leather

leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated

2. crush, jam, press

a dense crowd of people

3. calf love, crush, infatuation, puppy love

temporary love of an adolescent

4. compaction, crunch, crush

the act of crushing


5. crush, oppress, suppress

come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority

Example Sentences:
'The government oppresses political activists'

6. crush, mash, squash, squeeze, squelch

to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

Example Sentences:
'crush an aluminum can'
'squeeze a lemon'

7. beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish

come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

Example Sentences:
'Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship'
'We beat the competition'
'Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game'

8. crush

break into small pieces

Example Sentences:
'The car crushed the toy'

9. crush, demolish, smash

humiliate or depress completely

Example Sentences:
'She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation'
'The death of her son smashed her'

10. crush, jam

crush or bruise

Example Sentences:
'jam a toe'

11. break down, crush

make ineffective

Example Sentences:
'Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination'

12. crush

become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure

Example Sentences:
'The plastic bottle crushed against the wall'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of crush
verb (mainly tr)
to press, mash, or squeeze so as to injure, break, crease, etc
to break or grind (rock, ore, etc) into small particles
to put down or subdue, esp by force
to crush a rebellion
to extract (juice, water, etc) by pressing
to crush the juice from a lemon
to oppress harshly
to hug or clasp tightly
he crushed her to him
to defeat or humiliate utterly, as in argument or by a cruel remark
8. (intransitive)
to crowd; throng
9. (intransitive)
to become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure
10.  crush it
a dense crowd, esp at a social occasion
the act of crushing; pressure
a drink or pulp prepared by or as if by crushing fruit
orange crush
14. informal
an infatuation
she had a crush on him
the person with whom one is infatuated
veterinary science
a construction designed to confine and limit the movement of an animal, esp a large or dangerous animal, for examination or to perform a procedure on it

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of crush
verb transitive
to press between two opposing forces so as to break or injure; put out of shape or condition by pressure; squeeze together; crumple
to press, grind, or pound into small particles or into powder
to subdue or suppress by or as by force; overwhelm
to oppress harshly
to extract by pressing or squeezing
verb intransitive
to be or become crushed
to press forward; crowd (into, against, etc.)
a crushing; severe pressure
a crowded mass, esp. of people
10.  US, Informal
an infatuation
I had a crush on her

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of crush
v. crushed, crush·ing, crush·es
a. To press between opposing bodies so as to break, compress, or injure: The falling rock crushed the car.
b. To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.
a. To put down with force; subdue: The regime crushed the rebellion.
b. To overwhelm or oppress severely: spirits that had been crushed by rejection and failure.
c. To defeat overwhelmingly: Our team was crushed in the playoffs.
3. To crumple or rumple: crushed the freshly ironed shirt.
4. To hug, especially with great force.
5. To hit or propel with great force: a swing of the bat that crushed a fastball over the wall.
6. To press upon, shove, or crowd.
7. To extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing: crush juice from a grape.
1. To be or become crushed: Aluminum cans crush easily.
2. To proceed or move by crowding or pressing: The fans crushed forward to get a glimpse of the movie star.
1. The act of crushing or the pressure involved in crushing: matter superheated by the crush of gravity around black holes.
2. A great crowd: a crush of spectators.
3. A substance prepared by or as if by crushing, especially a fruit drink: orange crush.
4. Informal
a. A usually temporary infatuation: had a crush on her friend's cousin.
b. One who is the object of such an infatuation.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.