Definition of Compositional in English :

Define Compositional in English

Compositional meaning in English

Meaning of Compositional in English

Pronunciation of Compositional in English

Compositional pronunciation in English

Pronounce Compositional in English


see synonyms of compositional


1. compositional

arranging or grouping

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of compositional
a. The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.
b. The manner in which such parts are combined or related.
c. General makeup: the changing composition of the electorate.
d. The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound.
2. Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole.
a. The art or act of composing a musical or literary work.
b. A work of music, literature, or art, or its structure or organization.
4. A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.
5. Law A settlement whereby the creditors of a debtor about to enter bankruptcy agree, in return for some financial consideration, usually proffered immediately, to the discharge of their respective claims on receipt of payment which is in a lesser amount than that actually owed on the claim.
6. Linguistics The formation of compounds from separate words.
7. Printing Typesetting.

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