Definition of Bugged in English :

Define Bugged in English

Bugged meaning in English

Meaning of Bugged in English

Pronunciation of Bugged in English

Bugged pronunciation in English

Pronounce Bugged in English


see synonyms of bugged


1. bugged

having hidden electronic eavesdropping devices

Example Sentences:
'wired hotel rooms'
'even the car is bugged'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of bugged
past participle of verb, past tense of verb
bug (sense 9), bug (sense 10), bug (sense 11)

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of bugged
a. An insect having mouthparts used for piercing and sucking, such as an aphid, a bedbug, or a stinkbug.
b. An insect of any kind, such as a cockroach or a ladybug.
c. A small invertebrate with many legs, such as a spider or a centipede.
a. A disease-producing microorganism or agent: a flu bug.
b. The illness or disease so produced: took several days to get over the bug.
a. A defect or difficulty, as in a system or design.
b. Computers A defect in the code or routine of a program.
4. An enthusiasm or obsession: got bitten by the writing bug.
5. An enthusiast or devotee; a buff: a model train bug.
6. An electronic listening device, such as a hidden microphone or wiretap, used in surveillance: planted a bug in the suspect's room.
v. bugged, bug·ging, bugs
To grow large; bulge: My eyes bugged when I saw the mess.
a. To annoy; pester.
b. To prey on; worry: a memory that bugged me for years.
2. To equip (a room or telephone circuit, for example) with a concealed electronic listening device.
3. To make (the eyes) bulge or grow large.

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