Definition of Welcoming in English :

Define Welcoming in English

Welcoming meaning in English

Meaning of Welcoming in English

Pronunciation of Welcoming in English

Welcoming pronunciation in English

Pronounce Welcoming in English


see synonyms of welcoming


1. welcoming

very cordial

Example Sentences:
'a welcoming smile'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of welcoming
behaving in a friendly way to someone arriving somewhere, so that they feel happy and accepted
Should she be cool and withdrawn, or warm and welcoming?
Her face spread in a welcoming smile.
When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming.
bidding welcome
The delegates received a welcoming speech by the President.
warm and comfortable
The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming.
The place had a relaxed, welcoming feel to it.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of welcoming
1. Received with pleasure and hospitality into one's company or home: a welcome guest.
2. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.
3. Cordially or willingly permitted or invited: You are welcome to join us.
4. Used in the expression you're welcome to acknowledge an expression of gratitude.
1. A cordial greeting or hospitable reception given to an arriving person.
2. A reception upon arrival: gave the stranger an unfriendly welcome.
3. The state of being welcome: Don't overstay your welcome.
tr.v. wel·comed, wel·com·ing, wel·comes
1. To greet, receive, or entertain (another or others) cordially or hospitably.
2. To receive or accept gladly: would welcome a little privacy.
Used to greet cordially a visitor or recent arrival.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.