Definition of Stretchability in English :

Define Stretchability in English

Stretchability meaning in English

Meaning of Stretchability in English

Pronunciation of Stretchability in English

Stretchability pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of stretchability


1. stretch, stretchability, stretchiness

the capacity for being stretched

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of stretchability
to draw out or extend or be drawn out or extended in length, area, etc
to extend or be extended to an undue degree, esp so as to distort or lengthen permanently
to extend (the limbs, body, etc)
4. (transitive)
to reach or suspend (a rope, etc) from one place to another
5. (transitive)
to draw tight; tighten
6. (often foll by out, forward, etc)
to reach or hold (out); extend
7. (intransitive; usually foll by over)
to extend in time
the course stretched over three months
8. (intr; foll by for, over, etc)
(of a region, etc) to extend in length or area
9. (intransitive)
(esp of a garment) to be capable of expanding, as to a larger size
socks that will stretch
10. (transitive)
to put a great strain upon or extend to the limit
to injure (a muscle, tendon, ligament, etc) by means of a strain or sprain
12. (transitive; often foll by out)
to make do with (limited resources)
to stretch one's budget
13. (transitive) informal
to expand or elaborate (a story, etc) beyond what is credible or acceptable
that's stretching it a bit
14. (tr; often passive)
to extend, as to the limit of one's abilities or talents
15. archaic or slang
to hang or be hanged by the neck
16.  stretch a point
17.  stretch one's legs
the act of stretching or state of being stretched
a large or continuous expanse or distance
a stretch of water
extent in time, length, area, etc
capacity for being stretched, as in some garments
(as modifier)
stretch pants
22. horse racing
the section or sections of a racecourse that are straight, esp the final straight section leading to the finishing line
23. slang
a term of imprisonment
24.  at a stretch

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see synonyms of stretchability
verb transitive
to hold out or reach out; extend
to stretch out a helping hand
to cause (the body or limbs) to reach out to full length, as in yawning, relaxing, reclining, etc.
to pull or spread out to full extent or to greater size
to stretch sheets out to dry
to cause to reach or extend over a given space, distance, or time
to stretch pipelines across a continent
to cause to reach or extend farther or too far; force or strain
to strain in interpretation, application, scope, etc. to questionable or unreasonable limits
to stretch a rule, to stretch the truth
to make tense or tight with effort; strain (a muscle, etc.)
7.  Slang
to knock down, esp. so as to cause to lie at full length
verb intransitive
to spread or be spread out to full extent or beyond normal limits
to extend or continue over a given space, distance, direction, or time
to extend the body or limbs to full length, as in yawning or reaching for something
to lie down at full length
usually with out
to become stretched or be capable of being stretched to greater size, as any elastic substance
11.  Jazz
to perform a lengthy improvised solo
with out
a stretching or being stretched
an unbroken period; continuous space (of time)
over a stretch of ten days
b.  Slang
a term served in prison under a sentence
the extent to which something can be stretched
an unbroken length, tract, or space; continuous extent or distance
a long stretch of beach
any of the sections of a course or track for racing
homestretch (sense 1)
a course or direction
a stretch limousine, airliner, etc.
an action or effort that exceeds someone's normal limits or powers
20.  US, Baseball
the act of bringing the hands together, as before the chest, and then lowering them and pausing before pitching the ball or attempting to pick off a base runner
see also windup (sense 2)
made of elasticized fabric so as to stretch easily and fit closely
stretch pants
designating or of a vehicle, esp. a limousine, that has been customized by extending the passenger section to enlarge seating capacity

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of stretchability
v. stretched, stretch·ing, stretch·es
1. To lengthen, widen, or distend: stretched the sweater out of shape.
2. To cause to extend from one place to another or across a given space: stretched the banner between two poles.
3. To make taut; tighten: stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped.
4. To reach or put forth; extend: stretched out his hand.
a. To extend (oneself or one's limbs, for example) to full length: stretched her calves before running.
b. To extend (oneself) when lying down: she stretched herself out on the couch.
c. To put to torture on the rack.
6. To wrench or strain (a muscle, for example).
a. To extend or enlarge beyond the usual or proper limits: stretch the meaning of a word.
b. To subject to undue strain: to stretch one's patience.
a. To expand in order to fulfill a larger function: stretch a budget; stretch a paycheck.
b. To increase the quantity of by admixture or dilution: stretch a meal by thinning the stew.
9. To prolong: stretch out an argument.
10. Informal To fell by a blow: stretched his opponent in the first round.
1. To become lengthened, widened, or distended.
2. To extend or reach over a distance or area or in a given direction: "On both sides of us stretched the wet plain" (Ernest Hemingway).
3. To lie down at full length: stretched out on the bed.
4. To extend one's muscles or limbs, as after prolonged sitting or on awakening.
5. To extend over a given period of time: "This story stretches over a whole generation" (William Golding).
1. The act of stretching or the state of being stretched.
2. The extent or scope to which something can be stretched; elasticity.
3. A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanse: an empty stretch of highway.
4. A straight section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line.
a. A continuous period of time.
b. Slang A term of imprisonment: served a two-year stretch.
c. Informal The last stage of an event, period, or process.
6. Baseball A series of movements in which a pitcher, standing with the glove side facing home plate, raises both hands to the height of the head and then lowers them to the chest or waist for a short pause before pitching the ball. It is used especially when runners are on base because it gives base runners less time to steal than they have during a full windup.
1. Made of an elastic material that stretches easily: stretch pants.
2. Of, relating to, or being a vehicle, such as a limousine or passenger jet, having an extended seating area that provides extra space for more passengers, leg room, or amenities.

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