Definition of Sacked in English :

Define Sacked in English

Sacked meaning in English

Meaning of Sacked in English

Pronunciation of Sacked in English

Sacked pronunciation in English

Pronounce Sacked in English


see synonyms of sacked


1. despoiled, pillaged, raped, ravaged, sacked

having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence

Example Sentences:
'the raped countryside'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of sacked
a large bag made of coarse cloth, thick paper, etc, used as a container
2. Also called: sackful
the amount contained in a sack, sometimes used as a unit of measurement
a woman's loose tube-shaped dress
b. Also called: sacque
a woman's full loose hip-length jacket, worn in the 18th and mid-20th centuries
4.  short for rucksack
5. cricket, Australian
a run scored off a ball not struck by the batsman: allotted to the team as an extra and not to the individual batsman
. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): bye
6.  the sack
7.  a slang word for bed
8.  hit the sack
9.  rough as sacks
verb (transitive)
10. informal
to dismiss from employment
to put into a sack or sacks
the plundering of a place by an army or mob, usually involving destruction, slaughter, etc
2. American football
a tackle which brings the quarterback which brings down before he or she has passed the ball
3. (transitive)
to plunder and partially destroy (a place)
4. American football
to tackle and bring down a quarterback before he or she has passed the ball
archaic or trademark
any dry white wine formerly imported into Britain from SW Europe

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of sacked
a bag, esp. a large one of coarse cloth, for holding grain, foodstuffs, etc.
such a bag with its contents
the quantity contained in such a bag: a measure of weight of varying amounts
a short, loosefitting jacket worn by women
shift (sense 18) shift (sense 18b)
4.  Slang
dismissal from a job; discharge
with the
5.  US, Slang
a bed, bunk, etc.
6.  US, Baseball
base1 (sense 9)
7.  US, American Football
the act of sacking a quarterback
verb transitive
to put into a sack or sacks
9.  Slang
to dismiss (a person) from a job; discharge
10.  US, American Football
to tackle (a quarterback) behind the line of scrimmage
the plundering or looting, esp. by soldiers, of a captured city or town
verb transitive
to plunder or loot (a captured city, etc.)
any of various dry white wines from Spain or the Canary Islands, popular in England during the 16th and 17th cent.

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of sacked
a. A bag, especially one made of strong material for holding grain or objects in bulk.
b. The amount that a sack can hold: sold two sacks of rice.
2. also sacque A short loose-fitting garment for women and children.
3. Slang Dismissal from employment: finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude.
4. Informal A bed, mattress, or sleeping bag: hit the sack at 10:00.
5. Baseball A base.
6. Football A successful attempt at sacking the quarterback.
tr.v. sacked, sack·ing, sacks
1. To place into a sack: sacked the groceries.
2. Slang To discharge from employment: sacked the workers who were caught embezzling. See Synonyms at dismiss.
3. Football To tackle (a quarterback attempting to pass the ball) behind the line of scrimmage.
tr.v. sacked, sack·ing, sacks
To rob (a town, for example) of goods or valuables, especially after capture.
The looting or pillaging of a captured city or town.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.