Definition of Receding in English :

Define Receding in English

Receding meaning in English

Meaning of Receding in English

Pronunciation of Receding in English

Receding pronunciation in English

Pronounce Receding in English


see synonyms of receding


1. fadeout, receding

a slow or gradual disappearance

2. receding, recession

the act of becoming more distant


3. receding

(of a hairline e.g.) moving slowly back

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of receding
(of a man's hair) ceasing to grow at the temples and above the forehead
He had receding temples.
His receding hair was slicked back from his forehead.
sloping backwards
a receding chinline

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of receding
intr.v. re·ced·ed, re·ced·ing, re·cedes
1. To move back or away from a limit, point, or mark: waited for the floodwaters to recede.
2. To slope away from a point of reference: a man with a chin that recedes.
3. To become or seem to become more distant and fainter or less distinct: Eventually, my unhappy memories of the place receded.
4. To decrease or diminish: Fuel prices will recede after the holiday.
tr.v. re·ced·ed, re·ced·ing, re·cedes
To yield or grant to one formerly in possession; cede (something) back.

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