Definition of Rake in English :

Define Rake in English

Rake meaning in English

Meaning of Rake in English

Pronunciation of Rake in English

Rake pronunciation in English

Pronounce Rake in English


see synonyms of rake


1. blood, profligate, rake, rakehell, rip, roue

a dissolute man in fashionable society

2. pitch, rake, slant

degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

Example Sentences:
'the roof had a steep pitch'

3. rake

a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil


4. rake

move through with or as if with a rake

Example Sentences:
'She raked her fingers through her hair'

5. rake

level or smooth with a rake

Example Sentences:
'rake gravel'

6. rake

sweep the length of

Example Sentences:
'The gunfire raked the coast'

7. glance over, rake, run down, scan, skim

examine hastily

Example Sentences:
'She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi'

8. rake

gather with a rake

Example Sentences:
'rake leaves'

9. crease, graze, rake

scrape gently

Example Sentences:
'graze the skin'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of rake
a hand implement consisting of a row of teeth set in a headpiece attached to a long shaft and used for gathering hay, straw, leaves, etc, or for smoothing loose earth
any of several mechanical farm implements equipped with rows of teeth or rotating wheels mounted with tines and used to gather hay, straw, etc
any of various implements similar in shape or function, such as a tool for drawing out ashes from a furnace
the act of raking
5. New Zealand
a line of wagons coupled together as one unit, used on railways
to scrape, gather, or remove (leaves, refuse, etc) with or as if with a rake
to level or prepare (a surface, such as a flower bed) with a rake or similar implement
8. (transitive; sometimes foll by out)
to clear (ashes, clinker, etc) from (a fire or furnace)
9. (tr; foll by up or together)
to gather (items or people) with difficulty, as from a scattered area or limited supply
10. (tr; often foll by through, over etc)
to search or examine carefully
11. (when intr, foll by against, along etc)
to scrape or graze
the ship raked the side of the quay
12. (transitive)
to direct (gunfire) along the length of (a target)
machine-guns raked the column
13. (transitive)
to sweep (one's eyes) along the length of (something); scan
a dissolute man, esp one in fashionable society; roué
verb (mainly intr)
to incline from the vertical by a perceptible degree, esp (of a ship's mast or funnel) towards the stern
2. (transitive)
to construct with a backward slope
the degree to which an object, such as a ship's mast, inclines from the perpendicular, esp towards the stern
4. theatre
the slope of a stage from the back towards the footlights
5. aeronautics
the angle between the wings of an aircraft and the line of symmetry of the aircraft
the angle between the line joining the centroids of the section of a propeller blade and a line perpendicular to the axis
the angle between the working face of a cutting tool and a plane perpendicular to the surface of the workpiece
a slanting ledge running across a crag in the Lake District
verb (intransitive)
(of gun dogs or hounds) to hunt with the nose to the ground
2. (of hawks)
to pursue quarry in full flight
b. (often foll by away)
to fly wide of the quarry, esp beyond the control of the falconer

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of rake
any of various long-handled tools with teeth or prongs at one end, used for gathering loose grass, hay, leaves, etc., or for smoothing broken ground
any of various similar toothed devices
oyster rake
verb transitiveWord forms: raked or ˈraking
to gather or scrape together with or as with a rake
to make (a lawn, etc.) tidy with a rake
to gather with great care
to scratch or smooth with a rake, as in leveling broken ground
to cover (a fire) with ashes
to scratch or scrape
to search through minutely; scour
to direct gunfire along (a line of troops, the deck of a ship, etc.)
often figurative
to look over rapidly and searchingly
verb intransitive
to use a rake
to search as if with a rake
to scrape or sweep
with over, across, etc.
a dissolute, debauched man; roué
verb intransitiveWord forms: raked or ˈraking
to be slightly inclined; slant, as a ship's masts, etc.
verb transitive
to cause to slant or incline
a slanting or inclination
away from the perpendicular
the rake of a mast
away from the horizontal
the rake of a stage
the angle made by the edge of a cutting tool and a plane perpendicular to the surface that is being worked on
verb intransitiveWord forms: raked or ˈraking
to fly after game
said of a hawk
to run after game with the nose to the track instead of in the wind
said of a hunting dog

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of rake
1. A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used especially to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.
2. A device that resembles such an implement.
v. raked, rak·ing, rakes
a. To gather or move with or as if with a rake: rake leaves into a pile; rake in the gambling chips.
b. Informal To gain in abundance. Often used with in: a successful company that raked in the profits.
a. To smooth, scrape, or loosen with a rake or similar implement: rake the soil for planting.
b. To move over or across swiftly or harshly: Cold winds raked the plains.
3. To pull or drag (a comb or one's fingers, for example) over or through something, such as one's hair.
4. To scrape; scratch: The cat raked my arm with its claws.
5. To aim heavy gunfire along the length of.
1. To use a rake.
2. To conduct a thorough search: raked through the files for the misplaced letter.
A usually well-to-do man who is dissolute or promiscuous.
intr. & tr.v. raked, rak·ing, rakes
To slant or cause to incline from the perpendicular: propeller blades that rake backward from the shaft; rake a ship's mast.
1. Inclination from the perpendicular: the rake of a jet plane's wings.
2. The angle between the cutting edge of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the working surface to which the tool is applied.
a. The angle at which a roof is inclined.
b. The inclined edge of a pitched roof or the roof of a gable or dormer.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.