Definition of Netted in English :

Define Netted in English

Netted meaning in English

Meaning of Netted in English

Pronunciation of Netted in English

Netted pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of netted


1. lacy, netlike, netted, webbed, webby, weblike

having open interstices or resembling a web

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of netted
past participle of verb, past tense of verb
net1, net2 (sense 5)

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of netted
1. An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.
2. Something made of openwork fabric, especially:
a. A device for capturing birds, fish, or insects.
b. A barrier against flying insects.
c. A mesh for holding the hair in place.
d. Something that entraps; a snare.
e. A fine mesh fabric used as curtain or dress material or as the foundation for various laces.
3. Sports
a. A barrier of meshwork cord or rope strung between two posts to divide a court in half, as in tennis and badminton.
b. A ball that is hit into this meshwork barrier.
c. The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse.
d. The cord meshwork attached to the hoop of a basket in basketball.
4. A meshed network of lines, figures, or fibers.
5. Computers A complex, interconnected group or system, as:
a. or Net The internet.
b. See network.
6. A radio, television, or telephone network.
tr.v. net·ted, net·ting, nets
1. To catch or ensnare in a net: net fish.
2. To acquire or obtain: an investment that netted a hefty profit; a personal ad that netted a dozen responses.
3. To cover, protect, or surround with a net or network: "The heart [is] netted with a maze of curving blood vessels that send blood through it in swirling patterns" (Jennifer Ackerman).
4. Sports
a. To hit (the ball) into the net, as in volleyball.
b. To shoot (the ball or puck) into the goal, as in soccer or hockey.
c. To score (a goal).
1. Business
a. Remaining after all deductions have been made, as for expenses: net profit.
b. Remaining after tare is deducted: net weight.
2. Ultimate; final: the net result.
1. Business A net amount, as of profit or weight.
2. The main point; the essence: the net of our discussion.
tr.v. net·ted, net·ting, nets
1. To bring in or yield as profit.
2. To clear as profit.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.