Definition of Labor in English :

Define Labor in English

Labor meaning in English

Meaning of Labor in English

Pronunciation of Labor in English

Labor pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of labor


1. labor, labour, proletariat, working class

a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages

Example Sentences:
'there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field'

2. labor, labour, toil

productive work (especially physical work done for wages)

Example Sentences:
'his labor did not require a great deal of skill'

3. childbed, confinement, labor, labour, lying-in, parturiency, travail

concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child

Example Sentences:
'she was in labor for six hours'

4. labor, labor movement, trade union movement

an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement

5. british labour party, labor, labour, labour party

a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries

6. department of labor, dol, labor, labor department

the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913

7. labor, project, task, undertaking

any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

Example Sentences:
'he prepared for great undertakings'


8. drive, labor, labour, push, tug

strive and make an effort to reach a goal

Example Sentences:
'She tugged for years to make a decent living'
'We have to push a little to make the deadline!'
'She is driving away at her doctoral thesis'

9. dig, drudge, fag, grind, labor, labour, moil, toil, travail

work hard

Example Sentences:
'She was digging away at her math homework'
'Lexicographers drudge all day long'

10. labor, labour

undergo the efforts of childbirth

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of labor
verb, noun
the US spelling of labour

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of labor
physical or mental exertion; work; toil
a specific task; piece of work
all wage-earning workers as a group
see also capital1, or management
all manual workers whose work is characterized largely by physical exertion
labor unions collectively
the work accomplished by or the role in production of all workers, esp. workers for wages
6.  [L-]
Labor Party
7.  Medicine
the process or period of childbirth; parturition; esp., the muscular contractions of giving birth
verb intransitive
to work; toil
to work hard; exert oneself to get or do something; strive
to move slowly and with difficulty
the car labored up the hill
to pitch and roll heavily
the ship labored in the rough sea
to be afflicted or burdened with a liability or limitation (with under)
to labor under a delusion
to undergo, and suffer the pains of, childbirth
verb transitive
to spend too much time and effort on; develop in too great detail
to labor a point

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of labor
1. Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work. See Synonyms at work.
2. A specific task or effort, especially a painful or arduous one: "Eating the bread was a labor I put myself through to quiet my stomach" (Gail Anderson-Dargatz).
3. A particular form of work or method of working: manual labor.
4. Work for wages: businesses paying more for labor.
a. Workers considered as a group.
b. The trade union movement, especially its officials.
6. Labor A political party representing workers' interests, especially in Great Britain.
7. The process by which childbirth occurs, beginning with contractions of the uterus and ending with the expulsion of the fetus or infant and the placenta.
v. la·bored, la·bor·ing, la·bors
1. To work; toil: labored in the fields.
2. To strive painstakingly: labored over the needlepoint.
a. To proceed with great effort; plod: labored up the hill.
b. Nautical To pitch and roll.
4. To suffer from distress or a disadvantage: labored under the misconception that others were cooperating.
5. To undergo the labor of childbirth.
1. To deal with in exhaustive or excessive detail; belabor: labor a point in the argument.
2. To distress; burden: I will not labor you with trivial matters.
1. Of or relating to labor.
2. Labor Of or relating to a Labor Party.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.