Definition of Dot in English :

Define Dot in English

Dot meaning in English

Meaning of Dot in English

Pronunciation of Dot in English

Dot pronunciation in English

Pronounce Dot in English


see synonyms of dot


1. dot, point

a very small circular shape

Example Sentences:
'a row of points'
'draw lines between the dots'

2. department of transportation, dot, transportation

the United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966

3. dit, dot

the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code


5. constellate, dot, stud

scatter or intersperse like dots or studs

Example Sentences:
'Hills constellated with lights'

6. disperse, dot, dust, scatter, sprinkle

distribute loosely

Example Sentences:
'He scattered gun powder under the wagon'

7. dot

make a dot or dots

8. dot

mark with a dot

Example Sentences:
'dot your i's'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of dot
a small round mark made with or as with a pen, etc; spot; speck; point
anything resembling a dot; a small amount
a dot of paint
the mark (˙) that appears above the main stem of the letters i, j
4. music
the symbol (·) placed after a note or rest to increase its time value by half
this symbol written above or below a note indicating that it must be played or sung staccato
5. mathematics, logic
the symbol (.) indicating multiplication or logical conjunction
a decimal point
the symbol (·) used, in combination with the symbol for dash (–), in the written representation of Morse and other telegraphic codes
Compare dit
7.  the year dot
8.  on the dot
verbWord forms: dots, dotting or dotted
9. (transitive)
to mark or form with a dot
to dot a letter
a dotted crotchet
10. (transitive)
to scatter or intersperse (with dots or something resembling dots)
bushes dotting the plain
11. (intransitive)
to make a dot or dots
12.  dot one's i's and cross one's t's
civil law
a woman's dowry

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of dot
Department of Transportation
a tiny spot, speck, or mark, esp. one made with or as with a pointed object
; as
a point used in orthography or punctuation; specif., the mark placed above an i or j in writing or printing
b.  Ancient Mathematics
a decimal point; also, a point used as a symbol of multiplication
c.  Music
a point after a note or rest, increasing its time value by one half; also, a point put above or below a note to show that it is staccato
any small, round spot
polka dot
3.  Telegraphy
a short sound or click, as in Morse code
see also dash1
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈdotted or ˈdotting
to mark with or as with a dot
to make or form with dots
a dotted line
to cover with or as with dots; appear as dotlike parts in
gas stations dotted the landscape
verb intransitive
to make a dot or dots
a woman's marriage dowry

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of dot
a. A tiny round mark made by or as if by a pointed instrument; a spot.
b. Such a mark used in orthography, as above an i.
c. The basic unit of composition for an image produced by a device that prints text or graphics on paper: a resolution of 900 dots per inch.
2. A tiny amount.
3. In Morse and similar codes, the short sound or signal used in combination with the dash and silent intervals to represent letters, numbers, or punctuation.
4. Mathematics
a. A decimal point.
b. A symbol (·) indicating multiplication, as in 2 · 4 = 8.
5. Music A mark after a note indicating an increase in time value by half.
6. Computers A period, as used as in URLs and email addresses, to separate strings of words, as in
v. dot·ted, dot·ting, dots
1. To mark with a dot.
2. To form or make with dots.
3. To cover with or as if with dots: "Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night" (Stephen Crane).
To make a dot.
A woman's marriage portion; a dowry.
Department of Transportation

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.