Definition of Cross in English :

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Cross meaning in English

Meaning of Cross in English

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see synonyms of cross


1. cross

a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece

2. crisscross, cross, mark

a marking that consists of lines that cross each other

3. cross

a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry

4. cross, crown of thorns

any affliction that causes great suffering

Example Sentences:
'that is his cross to bear'
'he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns'

5. cross, crossbreed, hybrid

(genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species

Example Sentences:
'a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey'

6. cross, crossbreeding, crossing, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding

(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids


7. cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, pass over, track, traverse

travel across or pass over

Example Sentences:
'The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day'

8. cross, intersect

meet at a point

9. baffle, bilk, cross, foil, frustrate, queer, scotch, spoil, thwart

hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

Example Sentences:
'What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge'
'foil your opponent'

10. cross

fold so as to resemble a cross

Example Sentences:
'she crossed her legs'

11. cross, span, sweep, traverse

to cover or extend over an area or time period

Example Sentences:
'Rivers traverse the valley floor'
'The parking lot spans 3 acres'
'The novel spans three centuries'

12. cross

meet and pass

Example Sentences:
'the trains crossed'

13. cross

trace a line through or across

Example Sentences:
'cross your t''

14. cross, crossbreed, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed

breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties

Example Sentences:
'cross a horse and a donkey'
'Mendel tried crossbreeding'
'these species do not interbreed'


15. cross, thwartwise, transversal, transverse

extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis

Example Sentences:
'cross members should be all steel'
'from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully'
'transversal vibrations'
'transverse colon'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of cross
a structure or symbol consisting essentially of two intersecting lines or pieces at right angles to one another
a wooden structure used as a means of execution, consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece to which people were nailed or tied
a representation of the Cross used as an emblem of Christianity or as a reminder of Christ's death
any mark or shape consisting of two intersecting lines, esp such a symbol (×) used as a signature, point of intersection, error mark, etc
a sign representing the Cross made either by tracing a figure in the air or by touching the forehead, breast, and either shoulder in turn
any conventional variation of the Christian symbol, used emblematically, decoratively, or heraldically, such as a Maltese, tau, or Greek cross
7. heraldry
any of several charges in which one line crosses or joins another at right angles
a cruciform emblem awarded to indicate membership of an order or as a decoration for distinguished service
9. (sometimes capital)
Christianity or Christendom, esp as contrasted with non-Christian religions
Cross and Crescent
the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up
a pipe fitting, in the form of a cross, for connecting four pipes
12. biology
the process of crossing; hybridization
an individual produced as a result of this process
a mixture of two qualities or types
he's a cross between a dictator and a saint
an opposition, hindrance, or misfortune; affliction (esp in the phrase bear one's cross)
15. slang
a match or game in which the outcome has been rigged
16. slang
a fraud or swindle
17. boxing
a straight punch delivered from the side, esp with the right hand
18. football
the act or an instance of kicking or passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field
19.  on the cross
20. (sometimes foll by over)
to move or go across (something); traverse or intersect
we crossed the road
to meet and pass
the two trains crossed
(of each of two letters in the post) to be dispatched before receipt of the other
22. (tr; usually foll by out, off, or through)
to cancel with a cross or with lines; delete
23. (transitive)
to place or put in a form resembling a cross
to cross one's legs
24. (transitive)
to mark with a cross or crosses
25. (transitive) British
to draw two parallel lines across the face of (a cheque) and so make it payable only into a bank account
26. (transitive)
to trace the form of the Cross, usually with the thumb or index finger upon (someone or something) in token of blessing
to make the sign of the Cross upon (oneself)
27. (intransitive)
(of telephone lines) to interfere with each other so that three or perhaps four callers are connected together at one time
to cause fertilization between (plants or animals of different breeds, races, varieties, etc)
29. (transitive)
to oppose the wishes or plans of; thwart
his opponent crosses him at every turn
30. football
to kick or pass (the ball) from a wing to the middle of the field
31. (transitive) nautical
to set (the yard of a square sail) athwartships
32.  cross a bridge when one comes to it
33.  cross one's fingers
34.  cross one's heart
35.  cross one's mind
36.  cross someone's palm
37.  cross someone's path
38.  cross swords
angry; ill-humoured; vexed
lying or placed across; transverse
a cross timber
involving interchange; reciprocal
contrary or unfavourable
43.  another word for crossbred (sense 1)
44.  a Brit slang word for dishonest
the Cross
the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified
the Crucifixion of Jesus
Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount. 1823–1914, British Conservative statesman, home secretary (1874–80); noted for reforms affecting housing, public health, and the employment of women and children in factories

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of cross
an upright post with a bar across it near the top, to which the ancient Romans fastened convicted persons to die
a representation or figure of a cross, used as a badge, decoration, etc.; also, such a badge, decoration, etc.
the Distinguished Service Cross
a monument in the form of a cross, or with a cross on it, marking a crossroad, boundary, grave, etc.
a staff with a cross at the top, carried before an archbishop as a sign of his authority
a representation of a cross, in any of various recognized forms, as a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus, hence of the Christian religion
a crucifix
the act of crossing, as from one side of a stage to the other
the act of crossing oneself
any trouble or affliction that one has to bear; also, anything that thwarts or frustrates
any design, mark, or object made by two lines or surfaces that intersect one another
such a mark ( X) made as a signature, as by a person who cannot write
a crossing, or mixing, of varieties or breeds; hybridization
the result of such mixing; hybrid
something that combines the qualities of two different things or types
12.  Slang
a dishonest action, fixed contest or match, etc.
13.  Boxing
a blow delivered over and across the opponent's lead
14.  [C-]
Northern Cross
15.  [C-]
Southern Cross
verb transitive
to make the sign of the cross over or upon
to place across or crosswise
cross your fingers
to lie or cut across; intersect
where two streets cross one another
to draw or put a line or lines across
cross your t's
to pass over; go from one side to the other of; go across
to cross the ocean
to carry or lead across
to extend or reach across
the bridge crosses a river
to meet and pass (each other)
to bring into contact, causing electrical interference
the wires were crossed
to go counter to; thwart; oppose
to interbreed (animals or plants); breed (an individual of one type) with one of another; hybridize; cross-fertilize
verb intransitive
to lie across; intersect
to go or extend from one side to the other
often with over
to pass each other while moving in opposite directions
to interbreed; hybridize; cross-fertilize
lying or passing across or through; transverse; crossing or crossed
cross street, cross ventilation
going counter; contrary; opposed
at cross purposes
irritated or irritable; ill-tempered
involving reciprocal actions, etc.
of mixed variety or breed; hybrid; crossbred
36.  Archaic
causing harm; unfavorable

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of cross
a. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times.
b. often Cross The cross upon which Jesus was crucified.
c. A crucifix.
d. Any of various modifications of the cross design, such as a Latin cross or Maltese cross.
e. A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of a cross.
2. Cross The Christian religion; Christianity.
3. Christianity The sign of the cross.
4. A trial, affliction, or frustration. See Synonyms at burden.
5. A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.
6. A movement from one place to another, as on a stage; a crossing.
7. A pipe fitting with four branches in upright and transverse form, used as a junction for intersecting pipes.
8. Biology A plant or animal produced by crossbreeding; a hybrid.
9. One that combines the qualities of two other things: a novel that is a cross between romance and satire.
10. Sports
a. A hook thrown over an opponent's punch in boxing.
b. A pass made into the center of the field to a player in position to score, especially in soccer.
11. Law An act or instance of cross-examining; a cross-examination.
12. The Southern Cross.
13. Slang A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.
v. crossed, cross·ing, cross·es
v. tr.
1. To go or extend across; pass from one side of to the other: crossed the room to greet us; a bridge that crosses the bay.
2. To carry or conduct across something: crossed the horses at the ford.
3. To extend or pass through or over; intersect: Elm Street crosses Oak Street.
4. Sports To propel (a ball or puck) as a cross, as in soccer.
a. To delete by drawing a line through: crossed tasks off her list as she did them.
b. To eliminate or dismiss as unimportant or undesirable: “He thought about Mr. Fraser and crossed him off as an unknown quantity” (Scott O'Dell).
c. To make or put a line across: Cross and divide a circle.
6. To place crosswise one over the other: cross one's legs.
7. To make the sign of the cross upon or over as a sign of devotion or blessing.
8. To encounter in passing: His path crossed mine.
9. To combine the qualities of two things: a movie that crosses horror with humor.
10. To interfere with; thwart or obstruct: Don't cross me.
11. To betray or deceive; double-cross. Often used with up.
12. Biology To crossbreed or cross-fertilize (plants or animals).
13. Law To cross-examine.
v. intr.
1. To lie or pass across each other; intersect.
a. To move or extend from one side to another: crossed through Canada en route to Alaska.
b. To make a crossing: crossed into Germany from Switzerland.
3. To meet in passing; come into conjunction: Their paths crossed at the health club.
4. To move or be conveyed in opposite directions at the same time: Our letters must have crossed in the mail.
5. Biology To crossbreed or cross-fertilize.
1. Lying or passing crosswise; intersecting: a cross street.
2. Contrary or counter; opposing.
3. Showing ill humor; annoyed.
4. Involving interchange; reciprocal.
5. Crossbred; hybrid.

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