Synonyms of Uncut in English :

Antonyms of Uncut in English

Thesaurus of Uncut in English


see definition of uncut

Synonyms of uncut

1. (adjective) not trimmed

2. (adjective) (used of grass or vegetation) not cut down with a hand implement or machine

3. (adjective) not shaped by cutting or trimming

4. (adjective) complete

Domain Categories of uncut

1. (adjective) (used of grass or vegetation) not cut down with a hand implement or machine

Words Similar to uncut

1. (adjective) not trimmed

2. (adjective) not shaped by cutting or trimming

3. (adjective) not cut

4. (adjective) not cut

5. (adjective) complete

Antonyms of uncut

1. (adjective) not trimmed

2. (adjective) (used of grass or vegetation) not cut down with a hand implement or machine

3. (adjective) not shaped by cutting or trimming

4. (adjective) (of pages of a book) having adjacent leaves still joined at the fore edge

5. (adjective) not cut