Synonyms of Intrusive in English :

Antonyms of Intrusive in English

Thesaurus of Intrusive in English


see definition of intrusive

Words Similar to intrusive

1. (adjective) tending to intrude (especially upon privacy)

2. (adjective) of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock

3. (adjective) thrusting inward

Also see for intrusive

1. (adjective) thrusting inward

Domain Categories of intrusive

1. (adjective) of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock

Antonyms of intrusive

1. (adjective) tending to intrude (especially upon privacy)

2. (adjective) of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock

3. (adjective) thrusting inward

Words Derivationally Related to intrusive

1. (adjective) tending to intrude (especially upon privacy)