Definition of Worry in English :

Define Worry in English

Worry meaning in English

Meaning of Worry in English

Pronunciation of Worry in English

Worry pronunciation in English

Pronounce Worry in English


see synonyms of worry


1. concern, headache, vexation, worry

something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness

Example Sentences:
'New York traffic is a constant concern'
'it's a major worry'

2. trouble, worry

a strong feeling of anxiety

Example Sentences:
'his worry over the prospect of being fired'
'it is not work but worry that kills'
'he wanted to die and end his troubles'


3. worry

be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy

Example Sentences:
'I worry about my job'

4. care, worry

be concerned with

Example Sentences:
'I worry about my grades'

5. vex, worry

disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress

Example Sentences:
'I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me'

6. concern, interest, occupy, worry

be on the mind of

Example Sentences:
'I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift'

7. worry

lacerate by biting

Example Sentences:
'the dog worried his bone'

8. worry

touch or rub constantly

Example Sentences:
'The old man worried his beads'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of worry
verb -ries, -rying or -ried
to be or cause to be anxious or uneasy, esp about something uncertain or potentially dangerous
2. (transitive)
to disturb the peace of mind of; bother
don't worry me with trivialities
3. (intr; often foll by along or through)
to proceed despite difficulties
4. (intransitive; often foll by away)
to struggle or work
to worry away at a problem
5. (transitive)
(of a dog, wolf, etc) to lacerate or kill by biting, shaking, etc
6. (when intr, foll by at)
to bite, tear, or gnaw (at) with the teeth
a dog worrying a bone
7. (transitive)
to move as specified, esp by repeated pushes
they worried the log into the river
8. (transitive)
to touch or poke repeatedly and idly
9. obsolete
to choke or cause to choke
10.  not to worry
noun plural -ries
a state or feeling of anxiety
a person or thing that causes anxiety
an act of worrying
14.  no worries

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of worry
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈworried or ˈworrying
to harass or treat roughly with or as with continual biting or tearing with the teeth
a dog worrying a bone
to pluck at, push on, touch, etc. repeatedly in a nervous or determined way
worrying the loose tooth with his tongue
to annoy, bother, harass, vex, etc.
to cause to feel troubled or uneasy; make anxious; distress
verb intransitive
to bite, pull, or tear (at an object) with or as with the teeth
to feel distressed in the mind; be anxious, troubled, or uneasy
to manage to get (along or through) in the face of trials and difficulties
nounWord forms: plural ˈworries
the act of worrying
a troubled state of mind; anxiety; distress; care; uneasiness
something that causes anxiety

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of worry
v. wor·ried, wor·ry·ing, wor·ries
1. To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled. See Synonyms at brood.
a. To seize something with the teeth and bite or tear repeatedly: a squirrel worrying at a nut.
b. To touch or handle something nervously or persistently: worry at a hangnail.
c. To attempt to deal with something in a persistent or dogged manner: worried along at the problem.
1. To cause to feel anxious, distressed, or troubled. See Synonyms at trouble.
a. To seize with the teeth and bite or tug at repeatedly: a dog worrying a bone.
b. To touch or handle nervously or persistently: worrying the loose tooth.
c. To attack roughly and repeatedly; harass: worrying the enemy ships.
d. To bother or annoy, as with petty complaints.
e. To attempt to deal with in a persistent or repeated manner: Analysts have worried the problem for a decade.
3. To chase and nip at or attack: a dog worrying steers.
n. pl. wor·ries
1. The act of worrying or the condition of being worried; persistent mental uneasiness: "Having come to a decision, the lad felt a sense of relief from the worry that had haunted him for many sleepless nights" (Edgar Rice Burroughs).
2. A source of nagging concern or uneasiness.

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