Definition of Uninflected in English :

Define Uninflected in English

Uninflected meaning in English

Meaning of Uninflected in English

Pronunciation of Uninflected in English

Uninflected pronunciation in English

Pronounce Uninflected in English


see synonyms of uninflected


1. uninflected

(of the voice) not inflected

Example Sentences:
'uninflected words'
'monotonic uninflected speech'

2. uninflected

not inflected

Example Sentences:
'boy' and swim' are uninflected English words'

3. analytic, uninflected

expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of uninflected
(of a voice) not modulated or changed in tone or pitched
He spoke in a neutral and uninflected voice, the tone of someone who is detached from the events occurring around him.
2. grammar
(of a word) not changed in form by inflection

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