Definition of Underdressed in English :

Define Underdressed in English

Underdressed meaning in English

Meaning of Underdressed in English

Pronunciation of Underdressed in English

Underdressed pronunciation in English

Pronounce Underdressed in English


see synonyms of underdressed


1. underdressed

inadequately or too informally clothed

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of underdressed
wearing clothes that are not elaborate or formal enough for a particular occasion

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of underdressed
v. (ŭndər-drĕs) un·der·dressed, un·der·dress·ing, un·der·dress·es
1. To dress oneself too informally for an occasion: Don't underdress for the wedding; blue jeans are not appropriate attire.
2. To dress oneself too lightly: When it began to snow, I realized I had underdressed for the hike.
1. To dress too informally for an occasion: Seeing the other guests in their evening gowns made me feel I had underdressed myself.
2. To dress too lightly: You're underdressing the baby for such a cold day!
1. Apparel worn beneath outer garments; underclothing.
2. An outer garment, such as a dress beneath a tunic or coat, that is worn as part of a costume or suit.

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