Definition of Thirties in English :

Define Thirties in English

Thirties meaning in English

Meaning of Thirties in English

Pronunciation of Thirties in English

Thirties pronunciation in English

Pronounce Thirties in English


see synonyms of thirties


1. mid-thirties, thirties, thirty-something

the time of life between 30 and 40

2. 1930s, thirties

the decade from 1930 to 1939

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of thirties
plural noun
1.  thirty
2.  the thirties
3.  one's thirties

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of thirties
n. pl. thir·ties
1. The cardinal number equal to 3 × 10.
2. thirties
a. A decade or the numbers from 30 to 39: They settled down in their thirties. The temperature fell into the thirties.
b. often Thirties The decade from 30 to 39 in a century.
3. An indication of the end of a news story, usually written 30.
4. Sports The second point that is scored by one side in tennis.

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