Definition of Social in English :

Define Social in English

Social meaning in English

Meaning of Social in English

Pronunciation of Social in English

Social pronunciation in English

Pronounce Social in English


see synonyms of social


1. mixer, sociable, social

a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity


2. social, societal

relating to human society and its members

Example Sentences:
'social institutions'
'societal evolution'
'societal forces'
'social legislation'

3. social

living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups

Example Sentences:
'a human being is a social animal'
'mature social behavior'

4. social

relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society

Example Sentences:
'made fun of her being so social and high-toned'
'a social gossip colum'
'the society page'

5. social

composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability

Example Sentences:
'a purely social club'
'the church has a large social hall'
'a social director'

6. social

tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind

Example Sentences:
'ants are social insects'

7. social

marked by friendly companionship with others

Example Sentences:
'a social cup of coffee'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of social
living or preferring to live in a community rather than alone
denoting or relating to human society or any of its subdivisions
of, relating to, or characteristic of the experience, behaviour, and interaction of persons forming groups
relating to or having the purpose of promoting companionship, communal activities, etc
a social club
relating to or engaged in social services
a social worker
relating to or considered appropriate to a certain class of society, esp one thought superior
(esp of certain species of insects) living together in organized colonies
social bees
Compare solitary (sense 6)
(of plant species) growing in clumps, usually over a wide area
an informal gathering, esp of an organized group, to promote companionship, communal activity, etc
10.  short for social media

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of social
of or having to do with human beings living together as a group in a situation in which their dealings with one another affect their common welfare
social consciousness, social problems
living in this way; gregarious
man as a social being
of or having to do with the ranks or activities of society, specif. the more exclusive or fashionable of these
a social event
getting along well with others; sociable
a social nature
of, for, or involving friends, companionship, or sociability
a social club
offering material aid, counseling services, group recreational activities, etc. to those who need it; of or engaged in welfare work
a social worker or agency
living or associating in groups or communities
the ant is a social insect
8.  Rare
of or between allies or confederates
a social war
9.  Botany
growing in clumps or masses
an informal gathering of people for recreation or amusement; party

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of social
a. Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization: social classes; social problems; a social issue.
b. Of or relating to rank and status in society: social standing.
c. Of, relating to, or occupied with matters affecting human welfare: social programs.
a. Interacting with other people and living in communities: Humans are social creatures.
b. Biology Living together in organized groups or similar close aggregates: Ants are social insects.
a. Inclined to seek out or enjoy the company of others; sociable: He's outgoing and very social.
b. Spent in or marked by friendly relations or companionship: How has your social life been lately?
c. Intended for convivial activities: a social club.
4. Linguistics Of or relating to a variety of a language that is used by a group of people sharing some characteristic, such as ethnicity or income level, and differs in pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary from the standard variety.
1. An informal social gathering, as of the members of a church congregation.
2. Informal A Social Security number.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.