Definition of Ridge in English :

Define Ridge in English

Ridge meaning in English

Meaning of Ridge in English

Pronunciation of Ridge in English

Ridge pronunciation in English

Pronounce Ridge in English


see synonyms of ridge


1. ridge

a long narrow natural elevation or striation

2. ridge

any long raised strip

3. ridge

a long narrow natural elevation on the floor of the ocean

4. ridge, ridgeline

a long narrow range of hills

5. ridge

any long raised border or margin of a bone or tooth or membrane

6. ridge, ridgepole, rooftree

a beam laid along the edge where two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top; provides an attachment for the upper ends of rafters


7. ridge

extend in ridges

Example Sentences:
'The land ridges towards the South'

8. ridge

plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip

9. ridge

throw soil toward (a crop row) from both sides

Example Sentences:
'He ridged his corn'

10. ridge

spade into alternate ridges and troughs

Example Sentences:
'ridge the soil'

11. ridge

form into a ridge

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of ridge
a long narrow raised land formation with sloping sides esp one formed by the meeting of two faces of a mountain or of a mountain buttress or spur
any long narrow raised strip or elevation, as on a fabric or in ploughed land
3. anatomy
any elongated raised margin or border on a bone, tooth, tissue membrane, etc
the top of a roof at the junction of two sloping sides
(as modifier)
a ridge tile
the back or backbone of an animal, esp a whale
6. meteorology
an elongated area of high pressure, esp an extension of an anticyclone
Compare trough (sense 4)
to form into a ridge or ridges

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of ridge
1.  Obsolete
an animal's spine or back
the long, narrow top or crest of something, as of an animal's back, a wave, a mountain, etc.
a long, narrow elevation of land or a similar range of hills or mountains
any raised line or raised narrow strip, as in corded fabric, plowed land, etc.
the horizontal line formed by the meeting of two sloping surfaces
the ridge of a roof
a long, narrow high-pressure area on a weather map
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: ridged or ˈridging
to mark or be marked with a ridge or ridges
to form into or furnish with a ridge or ridges

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of ridge
1. A long narrow upper section or crest: the ridge of a wave.
a. A long, narrow, elevated section of the earth's surface, such as a chain of hills or mountains or the divide between adjacent valleys.
b. A long mountain range on the ocean floor.
3. A narrow, elongated zone of relatively high atmospheric pressure. Also called wedge.
4. A long, narrow, or crested part of the body: the ridge of the nose.
5. The horizontal line formed by the juncture of two sloping planes, especially the line formed by the surfaces at the top of a roof.
6. A narrow, raised strip, as in cloth or on plowed ground.
v. ridged, ridg·ing, ridg·es
To mark with, form into, or provide with a ridge or ridges.
To form a ridge or ridges.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.