Definition of Pleadingly in English :

Define Pleadingly in English

Pleadingly meaning in English

Meaning of Pleadingly in English

Pronunciation of Pleadingly in English

Pleadingly pronunciation in English

Pronounce Pleadingly in English


see synonyms of pleadingly


1. beseechingly, entreatingly, imploringly, importunately, pleadingly

in a beseeching manner

Example Sentences:
'You must help me,' she said imploringly'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of pleadingly
in a way that shows one wants someone to do something very much
He looked at me pleadingly.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of pleadingly
v. plead·ed or pled (plĕd), or plead, plead·ing, pleads
1. To appeal earnestly; beg: plead for more time.
2. To offer reasons for or against something; argue earnestly: plead against a bill.
3. To provide an argument or appeal: Your youth pleads for you in this instance.
4. Law To respond to a criminal charge: plead guilty.
1. To assert as defense, vindication, or excuse; claim as a plea: plead illness as the reason for his absence.
2. Law
a. To specify (a cause of action or defense): plead a First Amendment claim.
b. To set forth in a pleading: plead that plaintiff suffered damages as a result of the breach of contract.

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