Definition of Peg Down in English :

Define Peg Down in English

Peg Down meaning in English

Meaning of Peg Down in English

Pronunciation of Peg Down in English

Peg Down pronunciation in English

Pronounce Peg Down in English

Peg Down

see synonyms of peg down


1. peg, peg down

fasten or secure with a wooden pin

Example Sentences:
'peg a tent'

2. nail down, narrow, narrow down, peg down, pin down, specify

define clearly

Example Sentences:
'I cannot narrow down the rules for this game'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Peg Down

see synonyms of peg down
(tr, adverb)
to make (a person) committed to a course of action or bound to follow rules
you won't peg him down to any decision

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