Definition of Paramagnetism in English :

Define Paramagnetism in English

Paramagnetism meaning in English

Meaning of Paramagnetism in English

Pronunciation of Paramagnetism in English

Paramagnetism pronunciation in English

Pronounce Paramagnetism in English


see synonyms of paramagnetism


1. paramagnetism

materials like aluminum or platinum become magnetized in a magnetic field but it disappears when the field is removed

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of paramagnetism
the phenomenon exhibited by substances that have a relative permeability slightly greater than unity and a positive susceptibility. The effect is due to the alignment of unpaired spins of electrons in atoms of the material
Compare diamagnetism, ferromagnetism

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of paramagnetism
Relating to or being a substance in which an induced magnetic field is parallel and proportional to the intensity of the magnetizing field but is much weaker than in ferromagnetic materials.

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