Definition of Paradigmatic in English :

Define Paradigmatic in English

Paradigmatic meaning in English

Meaning of Paradigmatic in English

Pronunciation of Paradigmatic in English

Paradigmatic pronunciation in English

Pronounce Paradigmatic in English


see synonyms of paradigmatic


1. paradigmatic

of or relating to a grammatical paradigm

Example Sentences:
'paradigmatic inflection'

2. paradigmatic

of or relating to a typical example

Example Sentences:
'paradigmatic learning'

3. paradigmatic

related as members of a substitution class

Example Sentences:
'paradigmatic word associations'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of paradigmatic
1. Of or relating to a paradigm.
2. Linguistics Of or relating to the set of substitutional or oppositional relationships a linguistic unit has with other units, such as the relationship between (n) in not and other sounds that could be substituted for it in the same context, like (t) and (p). Together with the set of syntagmatic relations, paradigmatic relations describe the identity of a linguistic unit in a given language.

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