Definition of Paired in English :

Define Paired in English

Paired meaning in English

Meaning of Paired in English

Pronunciation of Paired in English

Paired pronunciation in English

Pronounce Paired in English


see synonyms of paired


1. mated, paired

used of gloves, socks, etc.

2. opposite, paired

of leaves etc; growing in pairs on either side of a stem

Example Sentences:
'opposite leaves'

3. paired

mated sexually

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of paired
nounWord forms: plural pairs or in functioning as singular or plural pair
two identical or similar things matched for use together
a pair of socks
two persons, animals, things, etc, used or grouped together
a pair of horses
a pair of scoundrels
an object considered to be two identical or similar things joined together
a pair of trousers
two people joined in love or marriage
a male and a female animal of the same species, esp such animals kept for breeding purposes
6. parliamentary procedure
two opposed members who both agree not to vote on a specified motion or for a specific period of time
the agreement so made
two playing cards of the same rank or denomination
a pair of threes
one member of a matching pair
I can't find the pair to this glove
9. cricket
a pair of spectacles (the cricketing term)
spectacles (sense 2)
10. rowing pair-oar
11. British and US dialect
a group or set of more than two
12. logic, mathematics
a set with two members
an ordered set with two members
13. (often foll by off)
to arrange or fall into groups of twos
to group or be grouped in matching pairs
to pair socks
to join or be joined in marriage; mate or couple
16. (when tr, usually passive) parliamentary procedure
to form or cause to form a pair
18 members were paired for the last vote
a Scot word for poor

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of paired
nounWord forms: plural pairs or pair
two similar or corresponding things joined, associated, or used together
a pair of gloves
a single thing made up of two corresponding parts that are used together
a pair of pants
two persons or animals
; specif.,
a married, engaged, or courting couple
two mated animals
any two people considered as having something in common
a pair of thieves
a brace; span
a pair of oxen
two legislators on opposing sides of some question who agree to withhold their vote so as to offset each other; also, such an agreement
two playing cards of the same denomination
5.  Chiefly Dialectal
a set or series
a pair of stairs, a pair of beads
verb transitive
to make a pair of (two persons or things) by matching, joining, mating, etc.
to arrange in pairs
to provide with a partner
followed by with
verb intransitive
to form a pair; match
to join in marriage; mate

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of paired
n. pl. pair or pairs
1. Two corresponding persons or items, similar in form or function and matched or associated: a pair of shoes.
2. One object composed of two joined, similar parts that are dependent upon each other: a pair of pliers.
a. Two persons who are married, engaged, or dating.
b. Two persons who have something in common and are considered together: a pair of hunters.
c. Two mated animals.
d. Two animals joined together in work.
4. Games Two playing cards of the same denomination.
5. Two members of a deliberative body with opposing opinions on a given issue who agree to abstain from voting on the issue, thereby offsetting each other.
6. Chemistry An electron pair.
v. paired, pair·ing, pairs
1. To arrange in sets of two; couple: The golfers are paired in twosomes for this round of play.
2. To combine or join (one person or thing) with another to form a pair: a director pairing his favorite actor with an unknown; a salad that is paired with a fine dressing.
1. To form pairs or a pair: The people on the dance floor paired up.
2. To join with another in love or mating.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.