Definition of Outraged in English :

Define Outraged in English

Outraged meaning in English

Meaning of Outraged in English

Pronunciation of Outraged in English

Outraged pronunciation in English

Pronounce Outraged in English


see synonyms of outraged


1. incensed, indignant, outraged, umbrageous

angered at something unjust or wrong

Example Sentences:
'an indignant denial'
'incensed at the judges' unfairness'
'a look of outraged disbelief'
'umbrageous at the loss of their territory'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of outraged
extremely angry; furious
He is truly outraged about what's happened to him.
Some outraged readers said the story was extremely offensive.
Many people have been outraged by the things that have been said.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of outraged
1. An act of extreme violence or viciousness: outrages committed by the dictatorship.
2. Something that is grossly offensive to decency, morality, or good taste: viewed the film as an outrage to common decency.
3. Resentful anger aroused by a violent or offensive act, or an instance of this: The incident sparked a public outrage.
tr.v. out·raged, out·rag·ing, out·rag·es
1. To offend grossly against (standards of decency or morality); commit an outrage on.
2. To produce anger or resentment in: was outraged that he was lied to. See Synonyms at offend.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.