Definition of Nutmeg Melon in English :

Define Nutmeg Melon in English

Nutmeg Melon meaning in English

Meaning of Nutmeg Melon in English

Pronunciation of Nutmeg Melon in English

Nutmeg Melon pronunciation in English

Pronounce Nutmeg Melon in English

Nutmeg Melon

see synonyms of nutmeg melon


1. cucumis melo reticulatus, net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon

a muskmelon vine with fruit that has a thin reticulated rind and sweet green flesh

2. net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon

the fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine; a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.