Definition of Newtonian Telescope in English :

Define Newtonian Telescope in English

Newtonian Telescope meaning in English

Meaning of Newtonian Telescope in English

Pronunciation of Newtonian Telescope in English

Newtonian Telescope pronunciation in English

Pronounce Newtonian Telescope in English

Newtonian Telescope

see synonyms of newtonian telescope


1. newtonian reflector, newtonian telescope

reflecting telescope in which the image is viewed through an eyepiece perpendicular to main axis

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Newtonian Telescope

see synonyms of newtonian telescope
a type of astronomical reflecting telescope in which light is reflected from a large concave mirror, onto a plane mirror, and through a hole in the side of the body of the telescope to form an image

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers