Definition of Naturalization in English :

Define Naturalization in English

Naturalization meaning in English

Meaning of Naturalization in English

Pronunciation of Naturalization in English

Naturalization pronunciation in English

Pronounce Naturalization in English


see synonyms of naturalization


1. naturalisation, naturalization

the quality of being brought into conformity with nature

2. naturalisation, naturalization

the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship

3. naturalisation, naturalization

the introduction of animals or plants to places where they flourish but are not indigenous

4. naturalisation, naturalization

changing the pronunciation of a borrowed word to agree with the borrowers' phonology

Example Sentences:
'the naturalization in English of many Italian words'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of naturalization
1. (transitive)
to give citizenship to (a person of foreign birth)
to be or cause to be adopted in another place, as a word, custom, etc
3. (transitive)
to introduce (a plant or animal from another region) and cause it to adapt to local conditions
4. (intransitive)
(of a plant or animal) to adapt successfully to a foreign environment and spread there
5. (transitive)
to explain (something unusual) with reference to nature, excluding the supernatural
6. (transitive)
to make natural or more lifelike

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of naturalization
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈnaturalˌized or ˈnaturalˌizing
to confer the rights of citizenship upon (an alien)
to adopt and make common (a custom, word, etc.) from another country or place
to adapt (a plant or animal) to a new environment; acclimate
to explain (occurrences) by natural law, rejecting supernatural influence
to make natural or less artificial; free from conventionality
verb intransitive
to become naturalized, or as if native
to study nature

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of naturalization
v. nat·u·ral·ized, nat·u·ral·iz·ing, nat·u·ral·iz·es
1. To grant full citizenship to (one of foreign birth).
2. To adopt (something foreign, such as a custom or a word from another language) into general use.
3. To introduce and establish (a species) in an environment to which it is not native: European birds that became naturalized in North America.
4. To explain (an occurrence, for example) by natural causes in contrast to supernatural causes.
To become naturalized or acclimated.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.