Definition of Metalepsis in English :

Define Metalepsis in English

Metalepsis meaning in English

Meaning of Metalepsis in English

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see synonyms of metalepsis


1. metalepsis

substituting metonymy of one figurative sense for another

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of metalepsis
noun plural -ses (-siːz)
a figurative substitution in which a concept is described by a word that is distanced from that concept by multiple, usually metonymical, links

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of metalepsis
n. pl. met·a·lep·ses (-sēz)
1. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase makes indirect reference to another figure of speech. For example, in "His new leaf turned out to be short-lived, and his life spiraled back out of control," "new leaf" alludes to the expression "turn over a new leaf."
2. A narrative device that involves transgressing the boundary between a fictional world and the real world or between two discrete fictional worlds, as when a character from one TV series makes an appearance in a different series.

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