Definition of Leaching in English :

Define Leaching in English

Leaching meaning in English

Meaning of Leaching in English

Pronunciation of Leaching in English

Leaching pronunciation in English

Pronounce Leaching in English


see synonyms of leaching


1. leach, leaching

the process of leaching

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of leaching
v. leached, leach·ing, leach·es
1. To remove soluble or other constituents from by the action of a percolating liquid: heavy rains that leached the soil of minerals.
2. To remove from a substance by the action of a percolating liquid: acids in groundwater that leach calcium out of the bedrock.
3. To empty; drain: "a world leached of pleasure, voided of meaning" (Marilynne Robinson).
To be dissolved or passed out by a percolating liquid.
1. The act or process of leaching.
2. A porous, perforated, or sievelike vessel that holds material to be leached.
3. The substance through which a liquid is leached.

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