Definition of Knowable in English :

Define Knowable in English

Knowable meaning in English

Meaning of Knowable in English

Pronunciation of Knowable in English

Knowable pronunciation in English

Pronounce Knowable in English


see synonyms of knowable


1. cognisable, cognizable, cognoscible, knowable

capable of being known

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of knowable
verbWord forms: knows, knowing, knew (njuː ) or known (nəʊn ) (mainly tr)
1. (also intr; may take a clause as object)
to be or feel certain of the truth or accuracy of (a fact, etc)
to be acquainted or familiar with
she's known him five years
to have a familiarity or grasp of, as through study or experience
he knows French
4. (also intr; may take a clause as object)
to understand, be aware of, or perceive (facts, etc)
he knows the answer now
5. (foll by how)
to be sure or aware of (how to be or do something)
to experience, esp deeply
to know poverty
to be intelligent, informed, or sensible enough (to do something)
she knew not to go home yet
8. (may take a clause as object)
to be able to distinguish or discriminate
9. archaic
to have sexual intercourse with
10.  I know what
11.  know what's what
12.  you know
13.  you never know
14.  in the know

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of knowable
verb transitiveWord forms: knew, known, ˈknowing
to have a clear perception or understanding of; be sure of or well informed about
to know the facts
to be aware or cognizant of; have perceived or learned
to know that one is loved
to have a firm mental grasp of; have securely in the memory
to know the multiplication tables
to be acquainted or familiar with
I knew him well
to experience
she has known both pleasure and pain
to have understanding of or skill in as a result of study or experience
to know music
to recognize
I'd know that face anywhere
to recognize as distinct; distinguish
to know right from wrong
8.  Archaic
to have sexual intercourse with
verb intransitive
to have knowledge
to be sure, informed, or aware

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of knowable
v. tr.
1. To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.
2. To regard as true beyond doubt: I know she won't fail.
3. To have a practical understanding of, as through experience; be skilled in: knows how to cook.
4. To have fixed in the mind: knows her Latin verbs.
5. To have experience of: “a black stubble that had known no razor” (William Faulkner).
a. To perceive as familiar; recognize: I know that face.
b. To be acquainted with: He doesn't know his neighbors.
7. To be able to distinguish; recognize as distinct: knows right from wrong.
8. To discern the character or nature of: knew him for a liar.
9. Archaic To have sexual intercourse with.
v. intr.
1. To possess knowledge, understanding, or information.
2. To be cognizant or aware.
v. knew(n, ny), known(nōn), know·ing, knows

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