Definition of Inspire in English :

Define Inspire in English

Inspire meaning in English

Meaning of Inspire in English

Pronunciation of Inspire in English

Inspire pronunciation in English

Pronounce Inspire in English


see synonyms of inspire


1. animate, enliven, exalt, inspire, invigorate

heighten or intensify

Example Sentences:
'These paintings exalt the imagination'

2. inspire

supply the inspiration for

Example Sentences:
'The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work'

3. inspire, instigate, prompt

serve as the inciting cause of

Example Sentences:
'She prompted me to call my relatives'

4. barrack, cheer, exhort, inspire, pep up, root on, urge, urge on

spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

Example Sentences:
'The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers'

5. inspire, revolutionise, revolutionize

fill with revolutionary ideas

6. breathe in, inhale, inspire

draw in (air)

Example Sentences:
'Inhale deeply'
'inhale the fresh mountain air'
'The patient has trouble inspiring'
'The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of inspire
to exert a stimulating or beneficial effect upon (a person); animate or invigorate
2. (tr; foll by with or to; may take an infinitive)
to arouse (with a particular emotion or to a particular action); stir
3. (transitive)
to prompt or instigate; give rise to
her beauty inspired his love
4. (tr; often passive)
to guide or arouse by divine influence or inspiration
to take or draw (air, gas, etc) into the lungs; inhale
6. (transitive) archaic
to breathe into or upon
to breathe life into

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of inspire
verb transitiveWord forms: inˈspired or inˈspiring
1.  Obsolete
to breathe or blow upon or into
to infuse (life, etc. into) by breathing
to draw (air) into the lungs; inhale
to have an animating effect upon; influence or impel; esp., to stimulate or impel to some creative or effective effort
to cause, guide, communicate, or motivate as by divine or supernatural influence
to arouse or produce (a thought or feeling)
kindness inspires love
to affect with a specified feeling or thought
to inspire someone with fear
to occasion, cause, or produce
to prompt, or cause to be written or said, by influence
to inspire a rumor
verb intransitive
to inhale
to give inspiration

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of inspire
v. in·spired, in·spir·ing, in·spires
1. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
2. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion: hymns that inspire the congregation; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.
a. To stimulate to action; motivate: a sales force that was inspired by the prospect of a bonus. See Synonyms at encourage.
b. To cause (someone) to have a particular feeling; affect or touch: "At this moment he inspired her with disgust rather than with love" (Anthony Trollope).
4. To cause someone to have (a feeling or reaction); elicit or arouse: a teacher who inspired admiration and respect.
5. To be the cause or source of; bring about: an invention that inspired many imitations.
6. To draw in (air) by inhaling.
7. Archaic
a. To breathe on.
b. To breathe life into.
1. To stimulate energies, ideals, or reverence: a leader who inspires by example.
2. To inhale.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.